Using Channels as Futures in Golang

Recently, I built a task scheduler on top of AWS ECS in Go. The application schedules batch jobs with custom arguments as single container tasks via AWS ECS, an orchestrator built on top of EC2 and Docker. One of the key requirements of the scheduler is monitoring the status of actively running tasks. For this, I chose to use AWS ECS’s DescribeTasks endpoint, which takes ECS task ID(s) and returns metadata (e.g. duration, status, etc.).

Due to AWS API rate limits, I had to batch API calls. Initially, I thought my code would look something like the following.

type Monitor struct {
  tasks map[string]status

func (m *Monitor) tick() error {
  var taskIDs []string
  for taskID := range m.tasks {
    taskIDs = append(taskIDs, taskID)

  resp := aws.DescribeTasks(taskIDs)
  for _, task := range resp.Tasks {
    if task.Done {
      m.tasks[task.ID] = getStatus(task.Containers[0])

func (m *Monitor) GetStatus() map[string]status {
  return m.status

func (m *Monitor) Watch(task *ecs.Task) {
  m.tasks[task.ID] = pending

Seems reasonable, right? The scheduler just has to create a monitor, submit tasks via Watch, and poll GetStatus until the target task is complete.

While this works, it’s a leaky abstraction. First, the scheduler must know the monitor is batched since it returns a map of all tasks and their statuses. Let’s hide that. Take #2–

func (m *Monitor) GetStatus(task *ecs.Task) status {
  return m.tasks[task.ID]

Great! Now, GetStatus returns a status given a task. Though just a few extra characters, this is a huge usability improvement since the scheduler no longer needs to batch tasks. However, there’s still a problem with this code. When should scheduler call GetStatus?

The naive answer is a simple for loop.

var status schedulerStatus
for {
  status = monitor.GetStatus(task)
  if status == ... {

While this also works, it’s far from perfect. First, we’re busy waiting (aka “spinning”) and thus, consuming 100% of CPU cycles. Go can utilize multiple CPUs, but we can certainly do better with just one!

If you came to Go from JavaScript, Scala, C#, or another language with Promises/Futures, you’re probably thinking, “How do those translate to Go?”. Well, Go doesn’t have a built-in “future” abstraction, but it doesn’t need them because you can easily roll your own with channels.

type Monitor struct {
  tasks map[string]chan status

func (m *Monitor) tick() error {
  var taskIDs []string
  for taskID := range m.tasks {
    taskIDs = append(taskIDs, taskID)

  resp := aws.DescribeTasks(taskIDs)
  for _, task := range resp.Tasks {
    if task.Done {
      m.tasks[task.ID] <- getStatus(task.Containers[0])
      delete(m.tasks, task.ID)

func (m *Monitor) Watch(task *ecs.Task) chan status {
  c := make(chan status, 1)
  m.tasks[task.ID] = c
  return c

// scheduler
m := monitor.New()
status <- m.Watch(ecsTask)

Boom! This is beautiful, efficient, and way simpler. monitor.Watch(task) returns a channel, which is “await”-able.

Using channels as futures in Go isn’t perfect. First, it’s not possible to make a library around them with helper functions as seen in Bluebird.js, for example, due to Go’s lack of generics. Also, creating a channel for every function call is likely not efficient, as each channel has its own mutex, buffer, etc., so this isn’t the right decision if you’re dealing with lots of calls in a performance-intensive application. In those cases, you should use a single channel and reader, e.g.

func (m *Monitor) GetStatus(chan status) {
  return m.status

for task := range monitor.GetStatus {
  // ... handle the completed tasks

… but that comes with more indirection so try out channels as futures when possible (most use cases) for a readable, straight-forward API!

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